Wide Selection

As you can see we have all the plants and cactus to help you complete your landscaping needs.

Aloe, Succulents and 5 Gallon Shrubs
Aloe, Succulents and 5 Gallon Shrubs Wide Selection Wide Selection
5 Gallon Shrubs, Hibiscus and Myrtillocactus
Wide Selection Wide Selection Wide Selection
24 Inch Box Trees
IMG_4272trees1 IMG_427824inboxtrees2 IMG_427924inboxtrees3
24 Inch Box and 15 Gallon Trees and Ocotillo
We sell wide range of Box Trees IMG_4276pottedtrees Wide Selection
24 Inch Box Trees and Ocotillo
IMG_4273trees Octillo Wide Selection Wide Selection
Ocotillo and Ocotillo Ribs
IMG_4271ocotillo2 IMG_4322ocotillo1
Palms and Pots
Palms -Wide Selection of Palms Palms -Wide Selection of Palms We carry a wide selection of pots
Assorted Flower Pots and Pots, Gallon and

Assorted 6 inch Cactus

We carry a wide selection of pots Many gallon and assorted 6 inch cactus Many gallon and assorted 6 inch cactus
Assorted Colors Lantana, Agave and Boulders
Many colors of Lantana Available Wide Selection of Agave Wide Selection of Boulders
 Agave, Herbs and Assorted Selections
Wide Selection Wide Selection of Flowers Wide Selection
Assorted 4 and 6 Inch Cactus and 1 Gallon Cactus
Wide Selection Wide Selection Wide Selection
Large variety of Cactus in All Sizes
We carry a wide selection of cactus